
8:00-9:00 - Sign in/coffee
9:00-10:00 Keynote, including Q and A

10:00-12:00 - 20-minute papers - Archival Theory and the Crisis
1. Rick Prelinger: Collecting Strategies for the Anthropocene
2. Jen Hoyer and Nora Almeida: Living Archives
3. Jill Kubit: DearTomorrow
4. Aruna Magier: Water, Land, and Forests: Documenting India’s Environmental Activism
5. Ben Goldman: Things the Grandchildren Should Know: Archives and the Origin of an Ecocentric Future

12:00-1:15 - Lunch

1:15-2:50 - 20-minute papers - Crisis and Survival
1. John Burgess: Adaptability and Resilience: A Core LIS Value
2. Billy Templeton: School Libraries and the Anthropocene: A Curricular Hail Mary to the Future
3. Ellie Irons and Anne Percoco: Next Epoch Seed Library: An Archive of Weedy Species
4. Fred Stoss: Preparedness Matters: Library Roles in Planning for Disaster

2:50-3:30 - Five minute lightning talks with 15 minutes for discussion
1. Jan Zastrow: Back to the Future: Everything Old is New Again
2. Jennifer Bonnet: Engaging with the Human Dimensions of Climate Change
3. Monica Berger and John Carey: Open Scholarship and Climate Change: The Imperative for a New Information Ecosystem for the Anthropocene
4. Robert Chen: Enabling Interdisciplinary Use of Scientific Data on Human Interactions in the Environment
5. Hannah Hamalainen: Humanitarian Crisis Mapping in the Library

3:30-3:40 - Break
3:40-5:00 - Plenary and discussion: Howard Besser, Eira Tansey, Jill Kubit, and John Burgess

8:00-9:00 - Sign in/coffee
9:00-10:30 - 20-minute papers - Rethinking Libraries
1. Amy Brunvand: Re-Localizing the Library: An Environmental Humanities Model
2. Jodi Shaw: Climate Change, Libraries, and Survival Literacy: A Practical Guide
3. Jennifer Gunter King: A Changing Library for Rising Tides
4. Jacob Berg, Angela Galvan, and Eamon Tewell: Academic Libraries and the False Promises of Resiliency

10:30-12:00 - 20-minute papers - Maintaining Access, Digital Resilience
1. Sarah Demb: When the Lights Go Out: Digital Information and Existential Risk
2. Heather Christenson: The Large-scale Digital Library and Response to the Anthropocene
3. Sarah Lamdan: Improving Access to Environmental Information and Records
4. Robert Montoya: Documenting Biodiversity: Information, Libraries, and Professional Ethics

12:00-1:00 - Lunch

1:00-2:40 - 20-minute papers - Architectures of Resilience
1. Paulina Mickiewicz: The Library of 2114
2. Charlie Macquarie: Libraries, Landscapes, Stewardship: The Library of Approximate Location
3. Eira Tansey, Ben Goldman, Tara Mazurczyk, and Nathan Piekielek: Climate Control: Vulnerabilities of American Archives to Rising Seas, Hotter Days and More Powerful Storms
4. Mark Wolfe: Efficiency: Friend or Foe of Sustainability? Exploring the Impact of Jevons Paradox on the Archival Profession

2:40-3:30 - Five minute lightning talks with 15 minutes for discussion
1. Carla Leitao: Foundation Landscapes of Massive Oblivion
2. Wendy Highby: The Tesseract, The Tesla, and the Anti-Reflexivity Thesis: How Librarians Can Save the World
3. William Denton: GHG.EARTH
4. Andrea Atkins: Libraries and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union
5. Beth Filar Williams: Integrating Sustainability into the Daily Work Practices: Lessons Learned as a Manager
6. Evi Klett: Supporting Regenerative Practices in Denver: Programming and Networking @DPL
7. Sarah Burke Cahalan: Libraries and Laudato Si’
8. Amanda Avery: Our Dark Materials: A Steampunk Future for Libraries?

3:30-3:40 - Break
3:40-5:00 - Plenary and discussion: Rick Prelinger, Jodi Shaw, and Amy Brunvand