Feminist Pilgrimage

Journeys of Discovery

Editor: Stacy Russo

Price: $25

Published: September 2020

ISBN: 978-1-63400-111-3

192 pages

Feminist Pilgrimage: Journeys of Discovery is a collection of personal essays by contemporary feminist educators, scholars, artists, and writers. The contributors imagine the concept of “pilgrimage” in their lives through a rich and diverse exploration, including a woman’s journey to visit her childhood home in Allahabad; a pilgrimage to explore sites related to the psychology of women in Paris; a Black Feminist’s academic journey as a healing experience; living a new life on a Pagan commune in New Mexico; the transformative experience of walking the Camino de Santiago from Portugal to Spain; traveling to view the original works of photographer Anne Brigman; the story of nine women creating and sustaining a retreat for writing and support; and many more. Royalties from the purchase of this book will be donated to the Women’s Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles, California.

Amanda LaTasha Armstrong, Laila Brown, Indra Chopra, Nina Clements, LeeRay M. Costa, Sara Rafael García, Cass Hartnett, Sarah L. Hastings, Lucretia Tye Jasmine, Elizabeth Kenneday, Annie Knight, Lazy Bottom Retreat Members (Anne Swenson Ticknor, Paige Averett, Allison Crowe, Anna Froula, Cynthia A. Grace-McCaskey, Jennifer F. McKinnon, Stacy L. Weiss, Amanda Ann Klein, Amber Wigent), Valeria E. Molteni, Leah Jane Oliver, Anya Ravitz, Jana Remy, Cindy Rinne, Stacy Russo, Alison Stankrauff, Jie Tian, Trysh Travis, Holiday Vega, Lise Weil, and D.D. Wood.

Stacy Russo, a librarian and associate professor at Santa Ana College in Santa Ana, California, is a writer, poet, and artist who is committed to creating books and art for a more peaceful world. Stacy’s books have been featured on National Public Radio, Pacifica Radio, the Canadian Broadcasting System, Sirius XM Radio, KCET Artbound, LA Weekly, and various other media channels. Her book publications include A Better World Starts Here: Activists and Their Work (Sanctuary Publishers); Love Activism (Litwin Books); We Were Going to Change the World: Interviews with Women from the 1970s and 1980s Southern California Punk Rock Scene (Santa Monica Press); Life as Activism: June Jordan’s Writings from The Progressive (Litwin Books); The Library as Place in California (McFarland); and two poetry chapbooks: The Moon and Other Poems (Dancing Girl Press) and Everyday Magic (Finishing Line Press). Her articles, poetry, and reviews have appeared in Feminist Teacher, Feminist Collections, American Libraries, Counterpoise, Library Journal, Chaffey Review, Serials Review, and the anthology Open Doors: An Invitation to Poetry (Chaparral Canyon Press). Stacy is a collage artist. She uses magazines, old books, acrylic paint, cardboard, and wood in her creations. She holds degrees from the University of California, Berkeley; Chapman University; and San Jose State University.