Acknowledging donors to the campaign

The campaign for Lauren Pressley’s book, So You Want To Be a Librarian, is in its home stretch, which is where the most donations to these campaigns typically come in (so there is still a chance that we will reach our goal). I wanted to mention one thing about the campaign. The free, “unglued” e-book will have some pages where the donors are acknowledged, at the end. The structure for acknowledging donations is as follows:

  • $25 and up: Your name in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under “Supporters”.
  • $50 and up: Your name & profile link in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under “Benefactors”.
  • $100 and up Your name, profile link, & a dedication of your choice in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under “Bibliophiles”.

This idea comes from Eric Hellman of the project, and I think it is a good idea. I hope we will have lots of acknowledgments to make….