Pushing the Margins

Women of Color and Intersectionality in LIS

Editors: Rose L. Chou and Annie Pho

Price: $60

Published: September 2018

ISBN: 978-1-63400-052-9

508 pages


This book is number three in the Litwin Books/Library Juice Press Series on Critical Race Studies and Multiculturalism in LIS, Rose L. Chou and Annie Pho, series editors.

Using intersectionality as a framework, this edited collection explores the experiences of women of color in library and information science (LIS). With roots in black feminism and critical race theory, intersectionality studies the ways in which multiple social and cultural identities impact individual experience. Libraries and archives idealistically portray themselves as egalitarian and neutral entities that provide information equally to everyone, yet these institutions often reflect and perpetuate societal racism, sexism, and additional forms of oppression. Women of color who work in LIS are often placed in the position of balancing the ideal of the library and archive providing good customer service and being an unbiased environment with the lived reality of receiving microaggressions and other forms of harassment on a daily basis from both colleagues and patrons. This book examines how lived experiences of social identities affect women of color and their work in LIS.

Rose L. Chou is Budget & Personnel Manager at American University Library, where she also serves as Chair of AU Library’s Internal Diversity & Inclusion Committee. She received her MLIS from San Jose State University and BA in Sociology from Boston College. Her research interests include race, gender, and social justice in LIS.

Annie Pho is Inquiry and Instruction Librarian for Peer-to-Peer Services and Public Programming at UCLA Libraries. She received her MLS from Indiana University-Indianapolis and BA in Art History from San Francisco State University. She’s on the editorial board of In the Library with a Lead Pipe, a co-moderator of the #critlib Twitter chat, and a Minnesota Institute for Early Career Librarians 2014 alumnus. Her research interests are in critical pedagogy, diversity, and student research behavior.

Table of Contents:


Foreword by Fobazi Ettarh


Chapter 1. “When I Enter”: Black Women and Disruption of the White, Heteronormative Narrative of Librarianship – Caitlin M. J. Pollock and Shelley P. Haley

Chapter 2. Sisters of the Stacks – Alexsandra Mitchell

Chapter 3. I Am a Muslim, a Woman, a Librarian: Muslim Women and Public Libraries – Negeen Aghassibake

Chapter 4. The Other Asian: Reflections of South Asian Americans in Libraryland – Nisha Mody, Lalitha Nataraj, Gayatri Singh, and Aditi Worcester

Chapter 5. I AM My Hair, and My Hair Is Me: #BlackGirlMagic in LIS – Teresa Y. Neely, Ph.D.

Chapter 6. The Voice of a Black Woman in Libraryland: A Theoretical Narrative – LaVerne Gray

Chapter 7. A Woman of Color’s Work Is Never Done: Intersectionality, Emotional, and Invisible Labor in Reference and Information Work – Kawanna Bright

Chapter 8. “Sister, You’ve Been on My Mind”: Experiences of Women of Color in the Library and Information Sciences Profession – Alyse Minter and Genevia M. Chamblee-Smith

Chapter 9. Small Brown Faces in Large White Spaces – Rosalinda Hernandez Linares and Sojourna J. Cunningham

Chapter 10. I, Too: Unmasking Emotional Labor of Women of Color Community College Librarians – Alyssa Jocson Porter, Sharon Spence-Wilcox, and Kimberly Tate-Malone

Chapter 11. The Burden of Care: Cultural Taxation of Women of Color Librarians on the Tenure-Track – Tarida Anantachai and Camille Chesley

Chapter 12. Authenticity vs. Professionalism: Being True to Ourselves at Work – Jennifer Brown and Sofia Leung

Chapter 13. Identity, Activism, Self-care, and Women of Color Librarians – Alanna Aiko Moore and Jan E. Estrellado

Chapter 14. When Will My Reflection Show?: Women of Color in the Kennesaw State University Archives – JoyEllen Freeman

Chapter 15. Selection and Self-Identity – Robin Bradford and Stephanie Sendaula

Chapter 16. Reflections on the Intersection of Publishing and Librarianship: The Experiences of Women of Color – Charlotte Roh

Chapter 17. Positionality, Epistemology, and New Paradigms for LIS: A Critical Dialog with Clara M. Chu – Todd Honma and Clara M. Chu
