CFP: Supporting Your Hispanic Students in Academic Libraries


You are invited to submit a proposal for possible inclusion in a necessary and exciting book focused on the best academic library practices, programs, and services that support Hispanic students. “Supporting Your Hispanic Students in Academic Libraries” (working title). Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) are federally designated colleges and universities with over 25% of their undergraduate full-time students identifying as Hispanic. As of 2017 there were over 500 such institutions. But this is only part of the picture, as there are many more institutions of higher education with large Latinx populations that do not have this designation including community colleges, research-centered institutions, trade colleges, tribal colleges. As this vital group of college students grows, our book seeks to bring attention to the important and exciting work being done in the libraries of these institutions and to serve as a guide for library staff who are searching for new programs and fresh ways of reaching their Hispanic students. The book is slated to be published through Library Juice press in May of 2022 and will be part of their Series on Critical Race Studies and Multiculturalism in LIS.

We want to include representations of all kinds of institutions of higher education (community college to research-centered institutions), and we will aim to highlight both programs that are practical and easily replicated and those long-term efforts to build comprehensive services. We welcome articles that fall under, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Technology

  • Collections

  • Unique Services

  • Liaisonship

  • Working with students that are: non-traditional, veterans, parents, Spanish-speaking, etc.

  • Programs

  • Events

We are looking for great ideas, not necessarily career authors. If you have an idea for any type of academic library work pertaining to Hispanic populations in the U.S., we want to hear about it. We invite all types of proposals including, but not limited to:

  • Case studies

  • Research projects

  • Overviews of programs and services

  • Surveys

  • Academic Papers

Important Dates:

May 31, 2021 – deadline for proposals

June 2021 – notice of selection (we will send out publishing guidelines at this time as well)

November 2021- first drafts due

March 2022 – final drafts due

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please fill out the form linked below with your name and contact information, institution, topic and possible title of your paper, and an up to 300-word abstract/explanation of your work.

Submission Form

If you have any questions, or concerns of any type, you may contact the editors:

Isabel Soto-Luna

Visiting Assistant Professor of Library Services

Colorado State University Pueblo


Sommer Browning, Associate Professor

Associate Director of Technical Services

Auraria Library serving University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Community College of Denver
