Seeking Assistant for ALA Midwinter in Boston

Library Juice Academy/Library Juice Press is seeking one or more assistants to help us with our presence with our exhibit at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston, January 8th through 12th, 2016. This will involve helping us set up and break down the booth and assisting us in staffing it. Compensation will be free admission to the exhibits hall, plus payment of $20 per hour, with the number of hours negotiable and based on how many helpers we enlist and what else you want to do during the conference.

The ideal person will have prior familiarity with our publications, so that we can feel confident in your ability to represent them well at the booth and show enthusiasm. We will have all of our books on display, and will also be promoting our online professional development courses.

If this opportunity interests you, please contact Rory Litwin, at