Category: Public Sphere

New from LJP: Library Juice Concentrate

Library Juice Concentrate Edited by Rory Litwin Preface by Kathleen de la Peña McCook Price: $25.00 ISBN-10: 0-9778617-3-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-9778617-3-6 6″ by 9″ Published: December 2006 Library Juice Concentrate is … Read more New from LJP: Library Juice Concentrate

New from LJP: Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library

New from Library Juice Press: Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library: How Postmodern Consumer Capitalism Threatens Democracy, Civil Education and the Public Good By Ed D’Angelo November 2006. … Read more New from LJP: Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library

American Anthropological Association opposition to Open Access: a letter from the AnthroSource Steering Committee on FRPAA

The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006 (FRPAA), if passed, would mandate that research by Federal government agencies (publicly funded research) automatically go into publicly accessible open access repositories. … Read more American Anthropological Association opposition to Open Access: a letter from the AnthroSource Steering Committee on FRPAA

The IRS keeping audit statistics secret; covering up higher audit rates of the poor than the rich

The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), which provides data on Federal “enforcement, staffing, and spending,” reported in March of this year that IRS data obtained through FOIA requests showed that … Read more The IRS keeping audit statistics secret; covering up higher audit rates of the poor than the rich