Banned Librarian

Here’s a new blog worth noting: Amy Sonie’s Banned Librarian. Always happy to see a new Left librarian blog. Looks good indeed – substantial and interesting…

This is from the About page:

Amy Sonnie is the “banned librarian.” In 2002 the Texas Youth Commission banned Amy’s young adult anthology, Revolutionary Voices (Alyson, 2000), a collection of creative writing and art by queer youth. Proud to produce dangerous material, Amy continued to piss off all the right people as Associate Director of the Center for Media Justice from 2001-2007. Her second book (forthcoming from Melville House, 2010) traces the untold history of poor white activists allied with the Black Panther Party and Young Lords in the 1960s. Amy is a librarian living in Oakland, CA.

The banned librarian blog is for librarians who support social justice and activists who love their libraries.